facebbok What are the Top Reports to View In Google Analytics, for a BNB?
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What are some of the Most Important Reports from Google Analytics for a Small Property

For a small lodging property, Google Analytics can provide valuable insights to enhance the guest experience, optimize marketing efforts, and increase bookings. Here are some of the most important reports you should focus on:

Audience Overview Report:

  • Demographics and Interests: Understand the age, gender, and interests of your website visitors. This can help in tailoring your marketing messages.
  • Geo–Location: Determine where your visitors are coming from. If you notice a significant number of users from a particular location, you may consider targeting ads or promotions to that area.
  • Mobile Overview: This shows the devices your visitors use. If most of your visitors come from mobile, ensure your site is mobile-friendly.

Acquisition Reports:

  • All Traffic – Channels: See where your traffic is coming from: Organic Search, Paid Search, Direct, Referral, or Social. This helps in understanding which channels are most effective.
  • All Traffic – Source/Medium: Dive deeper to see the source and medium (e.g., google/organic, Facebook/referral).
    Google Ads: If you’re running Google Ads campaigns, you can integrate Google Analytics to track the performance of your ads.

Behavior Reports:

  • Site Content – All Pages: Understand which pages on your site are most popular, so you can determine what content visitors are most interested in.
  • Behavior Flow: Visualize the path users typically take through your site. This can highlight potential areas of drop-off or popular content.
  • Site Speed: Ensuring your website loads quickly is essential, especially for mobile users. This report can help identify slow-loading pages.


  • Goals: Set up specific goals for your site, like completing a booking form or signing up for a newsletter. Track how often these goals are completed and from which source the traffic comes from.
  • E-commerce Tracking: If you have direct booking capabilities on your site, this will give insights into revenue, transactions, and more.


  • Track specific interactions on your site, like clicks on a “Book Now” button or views of a virtual tour.

Multi-Channel Funnels Report:

  • Understand the path users take to convert. For instance, they might first discover your BnB through social media, return via an organic search, and then finally book after clicking on a paid ad.

Search Console Reports:

  • See which search queries bring visitors to your site and optimize your content based on these search terms.

For a small property, it’s about understanding website behavior and translating that understanding into actionable steps. For instance, if you see a lot of visitors from a particular city or country, you might consider creating special packages or offers for guests from that area. Similarly, if a blog post about local attractions attracts a lot of traffic, you might consider offering guided tours or partnering with local businesses.

Regularly reviewing and acting upon these reports can significantly benefit your BnB’s online presence, user experience, and, ultimately, its bookings and revenue.